The phrase Instagram bot usually brings up connotations of fake and spammy accounts giving you dead accounts that do nothing for your profile. The truth, however, could not be further from this picture in most people’s head.

An Instagram Bot Will Bring You Real Followers
This clever piece of software interacts on a massive scale with other genuine accounts in order to put you in front of them. It’s that simple, and at the end of the day it is up to these other accounts whether or not they decide to follow you. The Instagram Bot will like, comment, follow and even view stories on a big scale to generate interest in your account. This means that all potential followers are real, genuine people who use their account in the same way you do.
Targeted Approach With An Instagram Bot
The Bot does not go wild and interact with every random account it encounters. It actually uses clever targeting techniques to make sure it only connects with accounts that fit into your niche. With our field of photography, it means that people with a real interest in photography will receive notifications that your account has reached out to them and hopefully they will reach back.

Much Needed Time Saver
For many freelancers and businesses, the time that it takes to connect with other Instagram users takes away from the things that they need to be doing, for example going on photo shoots and creating content. The beauty of the Bot is that it can work away behind the scenes doing far more networking than you could ever expect to get done on your own. This frees you up to focus on making great content that in turn will make your account stand out to visitors that the bot is driving towards you. In this respect, the Instagram Bot will compliment your content efforts and working together you can seriously grow your following.

Business Owners Dream
Networking and engaging with social media is one of today’s essential practices for businesses. It puts you on the map, gets you in front of potential clients and lets you showcase your work in a non-intrusive way that consumers today prefer over some of the marketing techniques of days of old. It should, however, be used alongside traditional marketing techniques to compliment them, meaning that companies have more to do than ever before. An Instagram Bot takes all the hard work out of time-consuming networking on Instagram by taking care of all the processes you would usually have to do. And the best bit is that the bot does it better, faster and on a bigger scale than you could ever do by yourself. Even if you worked around the clock 24-7, the software would still be more effective.

Instagram Bots For The Future
From a practical point of view then this is a no brainer. Buying a clever piece of software that saves you time and money while generating leads and growing your social media following is unquestionably a smart business move for the future.